Week 1: Conversations with your PO for the First time #ScrumMaster #Best#Conversations #Productowner #firstweek
Did you recently start a Scrum Master and you don’t know what conversations to have with your Product Owner in week 1? I hope some of these suggestions and recommendations help in some way, I know it can be stressful starting a new Scrum Master role without any guidance. So don’t be afraid to take notes and apply what could work for you. If this was helpful to you starting your new job, leave a comment below sharing your experience with us!
Kickstart Your Scrum Master Journey:
The Ultimate Scrum Master Guide:
90 Day Guide To Becoming a Highly Effective Scrum Master:
You can email me at: [email protected]
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IG: ScrumMasterChampions
Clubhouse Name: Scrum Master
#ScrumMaster #Best#Conversations #Productowner #amicable